Sunday, December 03, 2006

The dog days of early winter

So what's happened in Rhode Island since Thanksgiving? Frankly, nothing much. There has been more legal drama about the 2003 Station nightclub fire. The Boston Celtics continue to underwhelm. Buddy's locked up in the clink until July. It feels like the state is on hold.

Of course, this presents an opportunity to link to some of my favorite articles from one of my favorite Rhode Island websites: Presenting all you'd ever want to know about ...
... and so very, much more. Coffee milk and vampires: what more could you want?

But wait, there's more! How about if I throw in a new post at Dictators of the World? Now how much would you pay? Also, blogger Lefty has more on the wide open supermarket field in Tiverton over at A View from Battleship Cove.


RJR said...

Silmo is gone?! (see coffee milk story!)

I had no idea! I can remember picking up a bottle of this now and then but Autocrat has always been THE coffee syrup for me.

Here's one the article didn't mention...Morning Glory, check out their website -

Roger Williams said...

Hmm. A coffee syrup made outside Rhode Island? This sounds dicey, but I may have to give a try anyway.

RJR said...

WHOA...let's remember coffee syrup started in South Eastern Mass!