Sunday, July 09, 2017

Back from the dead

I haven't updated my old blog in nearly ten years? Man, what is wrong with me?

Well, you know. Stuff happened. New jobs. Breakups. But I haven't left Rhode Island! On the contrary, I put a "ring on it" and bought a house in fabulous Scituate which, in 15 years, will belong to me! And not the bank.

So why am I updating now? Because my sister and her boyfriend are new residents, and coming as they did from Essex County, MA, they are unaware of the many cultural and natural treasures awaiting them here in the Ocean State. So I was going to post a list on Facebook, and said, "hey, wait, Facebook is an absolutely terrible platform for posting lists, and Twitter is even worse. Therefore, I will simply go back to my comatose blog, and use the actual list format feature to create a readable list, and just share the link with them on Facebook.

I know, right? Sometimes you have to go backwards to go forwards. If my Statcounter statistics are correct, I get more 'bot traffic than human eyes, but if anyone still reads this or gets updates, I may be tempted for more real updates.

We will see.

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